A Steampunk puzzle box usually has simple or complex opening mechanisms which reveal a small opening that can be used to store valuables. Some of the opening mechanisms include, but are not limited to, sequential movement of gears and levers, liquid mechanisms, inclination mechanisms, magnetic locks, etc. Most of the individual puzzles that need to be solved to open the puzzle box require logical reasoning but some moves may also require some sort of trial and error method. If a solution is right the pieces move smoothly and there is hardly any brute force required to move the pieces.
What is a Puzzle Box?
A series of mechanically interlinked pieces which require manipulation of the objects to reach a solution is called a mechanical puzzle. Rubik’s Cube by Ernő Rubik is one of the most recognizable mechanical puzzles of all time. These puzzles are usually designed for one person to solve and require logical reasoning to solve through to the solution. A puzzle box usually consists of one or more mechanical puzzles that require the movement of several interlinked pieces. These boxes can be opened by solving these mechanical puzzles which need to be performed in a sequence. These kinds of puzzle boxes have been known to exist as early as the 19th century and were predominantly seen in the Hakone region of Japan.
Some amazing steampunk puzzle box designs
Mécanigma puzzle box

The Mécanigma puzzle box is a unique work of art that is inspired by the steampunk universe and is designed by C. Laronde. This cube perfectly captures the essence of combining science fiction with the cultural and technological movement of the 19th century. This box was designed using 3D modeling software and manufactured using CNC machines. It is made up of 541 pieces and the entire process of composing and assembling the individual parts of this enigmatic artwork took over two weeks. The plastic parts are crafted using a 3D printer and the wooden body is crafted using laser cutting technology. There is also a version of this box that comes completely unassembled and can also be a great DIY project to take up. You can learn more about this puzzle box at the NKD puzzle store.
This steampunk puzzle box is made up of gears and hinged mechanisms which require 15 precise movements to open up which act as a combination lock. This puzzle box is a treat for those who love complex mechanical puzzles and may take up to an hour to solve. This puzzle was also featured by the famous Youtuber and magician Chris Ramsay in one of his videos. According to him this puzzle is from another world and is one of the rarest puzzles that he owns. He feels that this steampunk puzzle box has all the elements one expects to see in a puzzle box such as knobs and trinkets to turn and twist. And it also has a whimsical mystery about it which allows you to experiment and explore this puzzle in a variety of different ways.
Schrödingers Cat and Davy Jones Locker steampunk puzzle boxes
The Schrödingers Cat and Davy Jones Locker puzzle boxes are made using high-quality birch wood and wood oil. They consist of 52 individual parts which are crafted by hand and later assembled by hand without the use of any adhesives or tools.
These are interactive steampunk puzzle boxes with various puzzles which need to be solved one after the other to open the boxes. These puzzle boxes consist of multiple mechanical and logical puzzles which require logical reasoning and problem-solving skills to solve. If you get stuck on a puzzle, you can always refer to a dedicated webpage that provides hints and tips to solve the puzzles. There is also a secret surprise hidden in the box which can only be obtained once all the puzzles have been solved. The entire box can also be reassembled once it has been solved which makes it a cool puzzle to challenge your friends and family with. These puzzle boxes can also be used as gift wraps or to hide gifts and challenge your loved ones to open them to get their surprise.
Kryptos portable puzzle vault

This portable steampunk puzzle vault is made using birch wood and wood oil. It consists of 45 individual parts which are beautifully crafted by hand. The design elements feature gears that are beautifully printed on top of the birch wood. This piece is designed as a wooden construction kit that needs to be assembled from scratch. It is a great opportunity for steampunk lovers to get involved in this amazing DIY project and to learn the mechanics of this cryptex puzzle.
This puzzle vault can be used to hide secret messages for your family and friends. It can also be used in steampunk-themed events as part of a treasure hunt game. This cryptex can be reset to any six-letter password and can be used for multiple occasions.